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Welcome to Blog-a-Bills

July 30, 2011
    Photo: Ed Yourdon. License


What the Hell is Blog-a-Bills?

First and foremost, yes, I chose a picture of Chris Kelsay chasing a play from behind intentionally (not that he knows any other way to get involved in a play).

Enough of that, though. Blog-a-Bills is a blog devoted to (surprise, surprise) the Buffalo Bills.

As a goal, we will avoid the kind of hyperbole and anecdotal evidence typical of both WGR550 and, well, much of the Internet.

Instead, we hope to use the more advanced NFL metrics available, common sense, and statistical backings for our assertions.

We will not be “the place” to get the latest breaking news. We will not take part in senseless bashing of this player or that (regardless of the occasional Kelsay knock). We won’t refer to Ralph Wilson as a doddering old fool (except for that one time as an example of what we won’t do). This is a blog borne of passion and annoyance with much of the current discourse about the Bills.

So what will we be? Hopefully, perhaps arrogantly, a place to get reasoned, thought-out and meticulously researched commentary on the Bills and media coverage of the Bills, with a poorly-worded dollop of humor here and there, with the occasional rant and/or tangent into general pop culture; a site that encourages passioned yet reasoned debate about the Bills.

Enjoy. If not, don’t worry, this isn’t my day job. It not working will not end me.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Thurminator permalink
    August 15, 2011 11:10 pm

    Love the new site — just found it via Rumblings. I really hope you keep it going all season bc intelligent and in depth analysis of the Bills is sorely lacking. Advanced football stats are obviously well behind baseball, and even basketball I think, but it makes for interesting reading and is a good jumping off point if nothing else. As for the 2011 Bills . . . well, I’m talking myself into them. We don’t have the depth, but if we get lucky on the injury front, we could be okay. Unfortunately I think the failure to address RG or either tackle spot this offseason is going to doom the 2011 offense, and will probably stunt Spiller’s growth (picking up on one of your other posts). Even Thurman would have had trouble running behind this line. But I do think the defense will be fun to watch and grow this season. Go Bills.

  2. August 16, 2011 8:30 am

    Thanks a lot – I appreciate the kind words.

    I agree with you about the right side of the line. I had higher hopes for them coming into the season, but nothing I saw Saturday night from any of the people on that side, starter or backup, made me think any of those hopes would be lived up to.

    I do think the team as a whole is better than last year, but those glaring weak spots on that side of the line are going to end up costing the Bills a few games they might otherwise win.

    Thanks again for reading and feel free pass it on to your Bills fans friends. Go Bills!

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